Archive for the ‘What’s New?’ Category

Lost “Lessons From Vinegar Mother” Live

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Way back in the olden days, eleven whole years ago, I premiered several segments from my 80-minute
performance piece (the music is available on the CD of the same name), Lessons From Vinegar Mother
at the Electro-Music festival in Asheville, North Carolina. The video segments of the performance,
shot here and in New York City, were somewhat lost since that time (particularly because they were
shot – not my me – but by others in the audience), but they’ve miraculously resurfaced. So, here’s
the first one.

It’s Official. The Juliet Shaw Legacy
Collection Now Resides At the Smithsonian.

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It began in June of 2022. And almost two years to the day…

The Juliet Shaw Legacy Project is Complete

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Nineteen months after the project’s inception in June of 2022, Sandra Shaw Murphy and I have
successfully completed the unearthing, compiling, organizing, cataloging, archiving and digitization
of the vast Juliet Shaw Collection. Of course, the “jewel in the crown” of the collection is Juliet’s
theremin – built specifically for her by the instrument’s inventor, Lev Termen (Leon Theremin).


But for Sandra’s generosity and determination, Juliet might have been totally forgotten. She spent countless
hours combing through the family home to find objects and items she remembered, but also discovering a
vast wealth of materials and artifacts that even she herself never knew existed.


From the outset, in addition to the goal of preserving her mother’s legacy, Juliet’s daughter Sandra was
determined that everyone be able to discover Juliet for themselves. Toward that end, we produced a web site
that was initially utilized for a fundraising campaign intended to cover the expenses for goods and services
that I was unable to provide on my own. Now that the fundraising phase is over, we’ve retooled the site to
function as a means by which thereminists, theremin enthusiasts, electro-musicians (and everyone else for that
matter) can explore Juliet Shaw’s life and career.


Although the items on the site represent less than 100th of the entire archived collection, they, combined with
the text content, are a wonderful way to see, hear and learn about Juliet Shaw. With the advent of the Juliet
Shaw collection and the Legacy Project web site, Juliet’s well-earned place in the theremin’s history is incontro-
vertible. It is a testament to her extraordinary ability, her 55-year performance career, her massive recorded
output, her charitable concerts that raised tens of thousands of dollars for worthy causes, her tireless dedication
to her students and her devotion to her school of music as both a teaching institution as well as a venue for
concerts and other events. She is among just a handful of musicians who, along with Leon Theremin himself,
can truly be counted as one of the first generation of thereminists.

Cookbook Finalist…Winner? You Never Know…

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While this has nothing to do with the theremin, it’s certainly significant. As many of you know, Pam,
and I are avid foragers. We’re out in the woods and fields every chance we get, harvesting herbs, berries,
and especially mushrooms. It became something of an obsession and we’re happy to bore everyone with
stories and photos. We’re also happy to feed everyone our mushroom meals.


Five years in the making, we recently completed our mushroom cookbook, Vegetarian Tales From
the Mushroom Rooms.
It’s now making the rounds of agents and publishers, which is like entering the
lottery; odds are normally extremely slim but you never know. And we also entered it in a contest.
Well, what do you know… it’s now a finalist!


Friends! Romans!
Thereminists! Electro-Musicians!
Introducing the Juliet Shaw Legacy Project

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The last six months have been like an archaeological dig, unearthing hundreds of items that detail the
life and career of thereminist/concert pianist and teacher, Juliet Shaw. As a contemporary of all the
famous thereminists from the 1930s, 40s and 50s and 60s, Juliet Shaw was concertizing, sponsoring musical
events, recording her own concerts, granting TV and radio interviews. Yet, she is virtually unknown
beyond a short bio and two theremin selections on her school’s website. Why?


The answer to that question begins with introducing the Juliet Shaw Legacy Project. This is a fundraising
effort that ought to be of great interest to any thereminist, theremin enthusiast, electro-musician
or lovers of electronic music. There are tens of thousands of you out there! And you can be a part of it.


Juliet Shaw’s legacy is arguably the most significant news in (and addition to) the history of the
theremin that has surfaced in decades. Visit the website at: and make a donation. Help us to
finally bring Juliet Shaw’s legacy out of 70 years in the shadows and into the spotlight.

The New Full-Length KipKoncert

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Thanks to the generosity of Nick Mellis and his “Nick’s Virtual Garage” concert series, I was able to
present a full-length concert on December 16, 2022. Selections include a) entirely new compositions;
b) two classical pieces; c) music and visuals that up until now could only be seen in live performances;
and d) a new composition created using ONLY the sounds made my an MRI machine!


A Scary Bizarre Thing Just Happened!

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A little over a year ago, I appeared in brilliant filmmaker/director/writer Jason Allen’s psycho-thriller,
EMULATOR. As he usually does, Jason submitted the film to various festivals around the country
and he’s been nominated by the Binge Horror Film Festival for Best Feature Film Screenplay!


What’s really weird is that someone bearing a scary bizarre resemblance to me has been nominated for
Best Performance in a Feature. Two others have been nominated in this category. The results will be
announced in early November. Making the film was incredible enough, and this nomination is the
icing on the blood pudding.


The New Film by Michael Jason Allen
(that I’m in!?)

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Here’s the official trailer for Michael Jason Allen’s 7th feature film, “EMULATOR,” which premiers on
June 20 in Phoenix, AZ. It’s the second movie by this phenomenal independent film maker that I’ve
been in – the first being “An Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground.”



For all the thereminists out there, “Idle Mind” is also the film that features my original theremin score.
Jason found me through Reverb Nation, and composing the film’s score was all I was originally
supposed to do. Somehow, it’s turned into acting work as well.

One for the Books in
Michael Jason Allen’s “EMULATOR”

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It’s one for the books, all right. Dr. Charlie Sorland, reformed serial killer turned anti-violence activist
and author, is seen here posing with a few fans of his new DVD, Violence is Obsolete. After 50 years
in prison, Soreland has been paroled and is now on the book tour circuit. Trouble is, someone else has
picked up where Charlie left off 50 years ago. A copycat killer is on a rampage and the police are after
Charlie, the one person who might be able to help catch him.




EMULATOR, Michael Jason Allen’s 7th feature, film premiers on June 20th in Phoenix, Arizona.
Those of us eagerly awaiting the date (after playing the role of Charlie, eager is an understatement) can
soon catch the trailer that’s scheduled for release on May 13th.


For more info, visit
Or on facebook at:

Ready for Takeoff at Event Horizon
with “Scheduled Flights on the Theremin”

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Event Horizon, Philly’s renowned electronic music concert series is back at 8:ooPM on Saturday,
April 27th. I’ll be premiering a new batch of original compositions, “Scheduled Flights on the
Theremin – An Ambient Tour of Alternate Realities.”
Admission is FREE!




Event Horizon – Ambient, Electronic, Experimental and Space Music
The Rotunda
University of Pennsylvania Campus
4014 Walnut Street