Archive for the ‘What’s New?’ Category

The New Film from Michael Jason Allen:
“EMULATOR” – Good News…and Bad News

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The GOOD News is…


In writer/director/actor Michael Jason Allen’s seventh feature film, EMULATOR, after 50 years in prison,
Dr. Charles Sorland (depicted here with his attorney), is receiving the good news that he’s being granted
limited parole. A convicted serial killer at the age of 18, Sorland has turned his life around. With a degree in
psychology and education, he’s become model prisoner and an author/advocate at the leading edge of prisoner
reform methodology.


The BAD news is that a druggy goth weirdo has taken a liking to Charlie’s old M.O. and is killing people
exactly the way Charlie did 50 years ago. Now the cops are after Charlie – for his help.


For more information about all of Michael Jason Allen’s films, visit:


On the Trail of a Copycat

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After fifty years in prison, psychologist Dr. Charlie Sorland (me?!) is released to help catch the Century City
Copycat Killer. EMULATOR, the new feature film by writer/Director Michael Jason Allen is coming soon.



This is my second time working with Jason (who is one of the best kept secrets of indie filmmaking).
As far as I’m concerned, the secret is out. A fascinating experience. I’m completely blown away by
his consummate professionalism, organizational skills and unerring vision. If you ever have the
opportunity to work with him, do not hesitate. Say, “yes!”

Coming in May…

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Michael Jason Allen’s New Feature Film



…and ME?! Yeah. Me. In 2016, I thought screenwriter and Director, Michael Jason Allen’s film,
“An Idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground,” was both my film debut and swan song.


Wrong…here it is, 2019. Jason is at it again, and now, so am I – playing Dr. Charlie Sorland in EMULATOR.
According to the synopsis:


In 2003, 70 year-old Charlie Sorland is conditionally released from death row for good behavior and societal
contributions after serving 50 years for serial murders. With a news story on his release and his dedication to
deter others from violence, impressionable Jason Lutra sees the story and takes an unhealthy interest in Charlie.
As new murders begin to occur by way of Charlie’s old m.o., Detective Brent Lowe takes notice of the similarities
and employs Charlie’s help in getting into the mind of his own copycat killer with promises of a full pardon for
the catch. ​While Detective Lowe struggles to nail down a solid suspect, Charlie helps to confirm Jason as the
copycat killer per the undisputed evidence. Charlie’s redemption now depends on whether or not Jason can
divert Detective Lowe’s suspicions to avoid the rap.


As with all of Jason’s extraordinary films, this undertaking is a labor of sacrifice and love. You can help bring
this movie to the screen and receive some perks in the process by CLICKING HERE, then scrolling down to the
bottom of the page.


We’re in the midst of shooting right now! More to come…

Trenton Computer Festival,
Here I Come!

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With new music, new performance pieces, and a good portion of mad scientist hysteria, I’ll be
presenting at the amazing Trenton Computer Festival. If you’re into computers, electronics, techno-
gadgets and the one of the best geekoid experiences on the planet and you’ve never been to this
huge event, be sure to keep Saturday, March 17 open. Here’s what I’ll be doing:


The theremin was one of the very first creations of the dawn of the technological age at the beginning
of the 20th century. As such, it presaged the coming of all subsequent electronic instruments as well
as working on principles of physics that resulted in the creation of all manner of marvels, from automatic
opening doors to what was arguably the most notorious spying device ever invented: the first passive
surveillance bug, invented by Leon Theremin himself. The unstoppable rising tide of technology permeates
every aspect of our lives, from recreational to military/industrial to medical. Through musical demon-
stration as well as stories that cover history, physics and a look at the neurological components of emotions
such as joy, wonder and happiness, “The Theremin and Technological Joy” humorously examines our human
fascination with creating and possessing technological gadgetry.


Saturday, March 17
11:20am to 12:15pm
Education Building
Room ED 207
The College of New Jersey
2000 Pennington Rd
Ewing, NJ 08628
GPS Coordinates at TCNJ Entry:
40° 16’ 16” N 74° 46’ 58” W


Visit the Trenton Computer Festival Web Site!

“Idle Mind” – A Theremin in the Movies!

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Many of you know that late last year I was commissioned to write a theremin score for the new Michael
Jason Allen feature film, “An idle Mind is the Devil’s Playground.” Not only did I do that, but Jason, the
director, asked me to be in the film! So, out I went to Arizona and did the whole thing.
Now, the movie is out, available on DVD.
Idle Mind
I won’t give away the plot, but I will tell you that this is the first film whose lead character
is a theremin player! He spends his life shut away from the world, until one day, he has a dream that
puts him face-to-face with…
To see the trailer for the movie, CLICK HERE and then scroll down the page.
This is a film shot with a style, mood and storyline reminiscent of the best Twilight Zone episodes. In
fact, Spats White, a former film critic, and close friend (and collaborator) of Rod Serling for many years,
consented to view the film and write a review. Here are two excerpts:
“An Idle Mind Is The Devil’s Playground is an entertaining and well made film with solid performances,
a sharp screenplay, distinctively fine music, and award worthy cinematography. It is a unique film
and well worth the attention of any audience. Rod Serling, creator and dominant writer of The Twilight
Zone, was my friend, TV co-host, college writing professor and mentor. The film successfully reeks of
that era and style and, knowing him as well as I did, I think I can safely assume and assert here that
Mr. Serling would have totally appreciated and thoroughly enjoyed this motion picture”.
“…the music score and sound track credited to Mr. Allen the director, Mr. Ehron VonAllen and the
aforementioned Mr. Kip Rosser who performs the score on the theremin, that odd electronic instrument
famous for its spooky and wailing sounds so popular in horror movies and TV shows of the era. In the
hands of the composers, however, and (literally) the hands of Mr. Rosser, the often novelty-like sound
of the theremin is expertly elevated to a higher level of musicianship and tonal quality placing it
alongside the atmospheric sound track beauty usually only attainable from a full orchestra. It is a
truly unique, haunting and strangely memorable score.

A movie about a thereminist, a theremin musical score… what more could any of us theremin afficionados
possibly want? To order the film or the soundtrack, CLICK HERE and then scroll down the page.

The New CD: Lessons From Vinegar Mother

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Available Now at CD Baby! CLICK HERE
Ambient Compositions for Theremin


You can listen to samples and download the FREE Vinegar Mother Booklet below.

“Ambient” music has undergone many incarnations since Brian Eno first coined the phrase in 1978.
Yet, it has its origins in composers like Debussy and, especially, Erik Satie, who referred to his
own works as “furniture music.” It is intended for the background, music that plays almost at the
edge of perception, blending in with the sounds of the immediate environment.

It’s in this tradition that Lessons From Vinegar Mother was created.

And who, or what, is the Vinegar Mother? From 4th century Norse culture comes the obscure and
nearly lost art of receiving lessons from the Vinegar Mother. Mother of Vinegar or Mycoderma aceti
(from the Greek μὑκης (fungus) plus δἐρμα (skin), and the Latin aceti (of the acid) is composed of
cellulose and acetic acid bacteria that forms in unpasteurized vinegar. Oxidation gives rise to this
gelatinous substance that can assume amorphous and even ethereal shapes.

It is these shapes that are “read” by a practitioner of the art. Bengta Stenlund is a tenth generation reader
or “Daughter” of the Vinegar Mother. All of the music on Lessons From Vinegar Mother was directly
inspired and composed using the text of ten lessons Ms. Stenlund imparted specifically for this project.

Put it on and let it flow. Soundscapes, familiar and unfamiliar. Meditative expanses evolve into
energetic passages that seethe with rhythms. Laughter, half-heard whisperings arise and hang in the
air. Melodies degrade into sonic textures and then reconstruct themselves. The ethereal voice of the
theremin, combined with the text in the Vinegar Mother Booklet, encourages the listener’s associations,
lending depth and personal resonance to the music…all in the background.


Lessons From Vinegar Mother was produced on a very limited budget. As a result, its
accompanying 16-page booklet proved too expensive to print. Experience all of the Lessons from
Vinegar Mother
as they were meant to be experienced.

The Vinegar Mother booklet contains the complete text of all ten lessons, original artwork, and
extra background information. You can download the booklet, FREE, even if you don’t purchase the
CD! To view the booklet, just click on the link below. To download it, right click on the link
below and save the PDF file called: VinegarBook.”


Available Now at CD Baby! CLICK HERE
(Click below for 60-second samples)
Lesson One
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
Lesson Six
Lesson Seven
Lesson Eight
Lesson Nine
Lesson Ten


Treat Your Ears To The Noise Beneath the Apple

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Over three years in the making, I’ve been privileged to be included in the new book, The Noise Beneath the Apple,
published by the organization of the same name. The Noise Beneath the Apple bring the experience of street
performing, or, “busking,” featuring and tracking Manhattan’s street performers. The book itself (a huge
coffee table volume) is now available in a very limited edition of 250 copies. Beautifully designed, written
by music journalist, Heather Jacks, with photography by Bryan Close, The Noise Beneath the Apple showcases
thirty-five street/subway musicians, myself included. It comes in a custom slipcase, accompanied by a 12-inch
red, black and white splatter patterned vinyl disc containing the work of eleven musicians (myself included).
Check out the book and the entire Manhattan street performing culture at